Hex,A witch and Angel tale de Ramona Wray

Scriitoarea este romanca!

Like most girls at Rosemound High School, seventeen year old Lily Crane is acutely aware of Ryder Kingscott. Hands down the cutest guy in school, Ryder is cool, mysterious, and utterly untouchable,especially for Lily. For when she touches someone, Lily instantly learns all about their lives. And while such a skill might seem nifty, in truth it is wrecking Lily’s life.
So she is shocked when Ryder asks her out,and even more shocked to discover he has a rival. Lucian Bell is the gorgeous new kid who can’t take his eyes off of Lily.
Being pursued by two hotties should make a girl happy, but Lily is skeptical. The boys act as if they’ve met before, hating each other with a passion that could only be rooted in a dark, dangerous past.
A past full of terrible secrets. The kind of secrets that could get a girl killed.


  1. nu imi place coperta,mi se pare prea copilaroasa.
    in schimb descrierea este interesanta.

  2. mor sa aflu continuarea;))

  3. pe bune? scriitoarea chiar e romanaca?
    nu-mi vine sa cred

    coperta nu prea imi place. ma rog, adica-mi place, da' nu stiu, nu pt cartea asta :))

  4. Dar coperta este draguta, chiar daca nu e adecvata poate pentru poveste. Cel putin din prezentare pare un roman mai "serios".

  5. Coperta mi se pare foarte copilareacsa, iar povestea este interesanta si captinvanta. Sunt surpinsa ca autoarea este romanca ^^

  6. vorba andruskai , nu`mi place deloc coperta insa descrierea e cu adevarat interesanta

  7. Imi place descrierea si da, mi-ar placea sa o citesc. :D

  8. "Scriitoarea este romanca!"
    pe la noi nu a aparut?

  9. imi place descrierea dar as fi preferat alta coperta


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